Thank you for visiting our website; we hope you will find the information both interesting and informative. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
UGACOX COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE (UGACOX CDI) is a charitable organisation formed by the Ugandan Community in Oxford, England. Already registered in Bukomansimbi District, Uganda, as a Community Based Organisation, it is currently now registered with the Charities Commission of the UK, registration number 1178445. We work with Rural communities in Uganda to attain self sufficient social and economic development through:
- Education
- Apprenticeships
- Agro-business
- Improved Community Health
We are governed by a Board of Trustees nominated from a cross section of the Community in Oxford, England; and the day to day affairs are run by a non paid Volunteer Executive Committee.
Many people have heard the expression “Give a Man a fish and he will eat for a day; give him a net and he will eat for life”. The pioneering model being implemented by UGACOX in Bukomansimbi District, Uganda takes this concept to the next level by promoting a multi-dimensional social development programme of self-sufficiency.
To establish and support community development projects, educational and health care programs with a target to improve and sustain the standards of living of the ordinary Ugandan.
Our vision is to see communities we work with ably empowered towards social and economic self-reliance; free from abject poverty, malnutrition, ignorance and communicable diseases; mitigate conditions leading to mother/child mortality and related child birth complications; as well as moving away from subsistence farming to viable economic agricultural practices.
Core Values
- Motivation: Driven to make a positive difference to the poor & suffering communities;
- Passion: We believe that the serving deprived and vulnerable people in our communities and beyond is a blessing;
- Innovation : Use modern tools of management & technological advancements to achieve best results with less capital outlay;
- Commitment to Love, fairness, compassion, perseverance and a willingness to work with the community through all the inevitable challenges, difficulties and unforeseen consequences;
- A belief that the resources of UGACOX CDI and the commitment of both volunteers and participating individuals will help to formulate solutions pertinent to individuals and/or communal particular development needs.